Purchasing Organic Foods Wisely

There are many good reasons to buy organic foods. If I could afford it I would buy organic at every opportunity, but unfortunately, I can’t. Because of this, there’s good reason to purchase organic foods wisely. A major reason of buying organic fruits and veggies is to avoid those nasty pesticides. However, there are many foods you can buy non-organic (which are cheaper, as a general rule) that you can eat without bothering your conscience. Keep in mind that there are other reasons for buying organic (GMO and irradiated foods, chemical fertilizers, better for the planet, etc.), but buying the following foods non-organic can relax your budget a bit.

1. Onions. These strong-smelling vegetables are definitely worth buying, even if they make you cry. Onions (red ones in particular) can promote cardiovascular health, protect against cancer, help fight bacteria, aid weight-loss, and reduce high-blood pressure. Sounds like a pretty good deal, doesn’t it? As a plus, you don’t have to buy them organic because very little pesticides are used on them.

2. Avocados are worry-free when it comes to pesticides because of their skin. In addition, they have many health benefits, which I detail in my post The Benefits Of Tropical Fruit.

3. Unless you’re fond of eating the tough skin of pineapples, you won’t have to worry about pesticides on those either. Pineapple contains a proteolytic enzyme bromelain, but behind all those big words is something that helps you digest protein. Bromelain can also help prevent the formation of blood clots.

4. Like avocados, mangos are protected from pesticides because of their thick skin. However, you’ll want to make sure to wash them thoroughly before slicing it open. They prevent cancer and cardiovascular diseases, fight diabetes, improve digestion, and lower cholesterol.

5. Asparagus aren’t really threatened by pests, so few pesticides are used on them. You’d still want to give them a good wash, but it’s okay to buy them non-organic. They are good for detoxifying your system, anti-aging, preventing osteoporosis and osteoarthritis, reducing inflammation and pain, and prevent cardiovascular disease.

6. You’ll definitely want to toss some green peas in your cart. They contain many phytonutrients, one of them being a polyphenol called coumestrol. That may sound really complicated, but it comes down to the fact that it protects from stomach cancer (also known as gastric cancer). Green peas are also full of antioxidants, and they’re anti-inflammatory. Besides that, they’re very unlikely to have any pesticide residue.

7. The skin of a kiwi guards against pesticides, but, like mangos, you should wash before cutting. Kiwis are perhaps best known for the amount of vitamin C you can get from them. They also have notable amounts of dietary fiber and potassium.

8. Cabbage is relatively safe to buy non-organic, since they don’t get sprayed very much. Better safe than sorry, though–always wash fruits or vegetables before eating, organic or not. It can prevent cancer, lower cholesterol, and has a significant amount of beta-carotene. It’s best to eat it raw or cook it very lightly; over-cooked cabbage will lose most of its health benefits.

9. Watermelon. Have you ever noticed that really thick rind when you ate some the last 4th of July? Well, that helps block the pesticides, as you might have guessed. This juicy fruit is high in vitamin A, vitamin C, magnesium, and potassium, not to mention that high water content. No need to worry about getting dehydrated!

All of the above foods are good for you in one way or another, and there are plenty of others, too. However, I’m going to list a few foods that are also good for you, but definitely have to be bought organic if you’re worried about eating pesticides.

1. Apples. This crunchy fruit should be bought organic, as they are heavy in pesticides. Watch out for apple juice and apple sauce too. If you can get your hands on organic apples, though, do so! They can regulate blood sugar, are a good source of dietary fiber, and may have an impact on your digestive tract.

2. Strawberries, sadly, are next on the list. Most farmers spray them because of a fungus problem, but no matter what the reason, the pesticides are there. They even beat apples in how many different types of pesticides are found on them (60, compared to apples at 40). Still, they are an excellent source of antioxidants and have many anti-inflammatory benefits. Keep in mind that strawberries are very perishable; don’t waste your money on organic ones if they’re just going to sit around in the fridge.

3. The pesticides pile up on spinach as well. Nevertheless, they are full of vitamin C and are anti-cancer.

4. Blueberries are a bad non-organic choice, and so are their near relatives cranberries and cherries. And since organic blueberries are expensive, you might just want to get your hands on some pineapple, mango, or kiwi instead. If you do get organic blueberries, you can feel good about yourself, knowing that you’re getting an impressive amount of antioxidants.

5. Kale, which I happen to be a huge fan of, should be bought organic as well. They are a superfood, and good for cancer prevention, lowering cholesterol, and (like strawberries) have many anti-inflammatory benefits.

Note that 95% of corn, though it is safe from pesticides, is GMO (genetically modified) and should be bought organic whenever possible (soy, found in many foods, is often genetically modified as well). Plenty of antioxidants and fiber are what you’ll find, so if you can find organic corn, go for it!

That’s all for now,

~Better Eating

The Benefits of Tropical Fruit

If we choose the right foods, we can live longer, healthier lives. When we think of eating healthily, most of us automatically think of fruits and vegetables. While it is very true that fruits and vegetables contain vitamins and minerals beneficial for our bodies, some may be better than others. Some fruits that are very high in vitamins and minerals are tropical fruits. Some of the most beneficial tropical fruits are avocados, papayas, and acai berries, which we will review in the following paragraphs.

First, we will look at the avocado. Avocados have been known to lower total cholesterol levels, despite their high fat content. This is because the fat found in avocados is monounsaturated fat, which is the heart-healthy fat that we find in olive oil. Avocados are a good source of vitamins, fiber, and potassium. Research has shown that they contain sixty percent more potassium that bananas. They are also rich in carotenoids, an antioxidant that improves eye and artery health. Avocados make a tasty addition to any salad or sandwich.

We will now examine the benefits of papaya. Papayas are a good source of vitamins A, C, E, and an enzyme called papain, which promotes digestive health. Papayas act as an anti-inflammatory. They do much to relieve the symptoms of osteoarthritis. Papayas are a good source of fiber and have been shown to lower cholesterol levels. Because of its richness in vitamin A, papayas can promote lung health. This fruit is often eaten fresh, frozen, or dried.

Finally, we shall see what acai berries can do for the betterment of our health. Acai berries will often boost energy levels a few hours after consumption. They are well-known for being extremely rich in antioxidants. They are particularly abundant in anthocyanins, an antioxidant that protects the heart and prevents cell damage. Many popular juices boast a blend of acai berries and other fruits, but there is actually only a small amount of these berries found in the juices. It is best to eat the fruit itself, rather than going for the more convenient juice.

After a brief review, we now see that eating tropical fruits such as avocados, papayas, and acai berries comes with huge benefits. Avocados are a good source of vitamins, fiber, potassium, and carotenoid, an antioxidant that improves eye and artery health. Vitamins A, C, E, and the enzyme papain, which promotes digestive health, are found in papayas. Acai berries are an antioxidant rich super-food that can boost energy, protect the heart, and prevent cell damage. Why not go to the supermarket and buy some avocados for your salad today?


~Better Eating

Superfoods To The Rescue!

Why eat superfoods? Because of the amazing benefits they offer, of course! They reduce the risk of heart disease, lower your cholesterol, and sometimes brighten your day. The best part? No side-effects! Sounds like you need to get your hands on these foods, huh? Well, here’s a list of some superfoods and what they can do to help your body.


Super Fruits and Veggies

With these little berries, you’ll get a flood of phytoflavinoids and antioxidants. They’re also a good source of potassium and vitamin C. Not only that, but they reduce your risk of heart disease, cancer, and are anti-inflammatory.

Gojiberries are also known as wolfberries, matrimony vine, and desert thorn. They are usually found in America and Asia. They are popular because they can grow in both extreme cold and heat, and even survive in a desert environment. They have a deep red color and are usually dried and eaten like raisins. But of course, the main question is, what are its benefits? They include the following: increased immunity, improved eyesight and quality of blood, protection of the liver, and prevention of aging.

This fruit from South America is a rich source of food and has incredible health benefits. New benefits are discovered everyday, but here are a few: increases the strength of the immunity system, helps people sleep better, regulates the level of cholesterol, slows the aging process, improves vision and the functioning and the circulation of the heart, detoxifies the body, and reduces inflammation.

–Bok Choy (Chinese cabbage)
Bok Choy is packed with all sorts of nutrients that are said to guard against cancer.

Pomegranates guard against heart disease and lower cholesterol. Pomegranate juice works as well.

Common Question about fruits and veggies. Is it better to have fresh, frozen, or canned?
The common answer is fresh. For one, frozen and canned usually don’t taste as good as fresh does. Also, canned foods are notorious for either having a ton of added sugar or salt. Also, when foods are packed into aluminum cans, the metal will slowly seep into your food, which will eventually go into somebody’s–maybe yours!–body. Metals, once in your body, are classified as “toxins”, otherwise known as “poison”. Doesn’t sound too great, does it? As for frozen, it doesn’t really matter whether you have fresh or frozen, the nutritional value is more or less the same. If you’re going for the cheapest, frozen is the best choice. If you’re going for the best taste, however, go fresh!

Other Superfoods

Turkey is a more common superfood, full of protein. But make sure not to get turkey lunch meat, since it’s full of sodium.

–Almonds and Fish:
These two foods are packed with Omega 3 fatty acids, which help fight heart disease.

Though it may be hard to imagine, this spice is considered one of the most healthy foods there is. It can lower blood sugar and cholesterol.


So, I hope this list of superfoods and their benefits was a help to you!

~Better Eating~

Have a Favorite Fruit?

Do you love fruits? Even if you don’t, there’s an answer for you! Please participate in the pole below! You’re choose up to three different answers, and you can come back in an hour if you want to vote again.

~Better Eating~

Take a Vote

No, I’m not talking about Election Day (which has come and gone) or anything like that. Well…in a way I am. It’s all in the title. We need to take a “vote” every time we go to Wal-mart, Winn-Dixie, or any one of the stores you go to in order to buy food. You may think, “Oh, it’s okay to buy this bag of Doritos just once; it won’t matter,” but it will, in two ways. One, even one bag can damage your body! The effects just might not seem obvious. And you know the saying “You can’t just have one”. One bag will turn into two, then three, then four, and each time you’ll tell yourself “Just this time is okay”, even though you know you’re lying to yourself. The second reason is this: you are taking a vote every time you walk to that checkout counter–is your cart piled with junk food or healthy food? You see, you may think that since it’s just you, it’s okay. But everyone thinks this. And everyone, well, is a lot of people, don’t you think? The more you buy from a certain company, the more they’ll make. Think it through. Do you want to encourage the growth of Lucky Charm (not even natural!) or Cascade Farms (organic through and through!)? Do you pick up Yoplait in the yogurt section or Stoney-field Farm? I’m not saying never buy anything bad, though that would be amazing, but every time you do, think it through first. Is it really worth it, the damage to your body and the encouragement of a non-healthy product? Use your own calculations based on the label and decide, is this cereal/yogurt/etc worth buying? Worth voting for? Remember, you can, and do, make a difference. Decide what difference you want to make!

~Better Eating~

Microwaves…what’s up with them?

Like I said, what’s up with microwaves? Are they a danger to your health? Read on….

We use microwaves instead of stoves or ovens mainly because of convenience. We pop a frozen casserole inside, and thirty seconds later, ding, it’s ready to serve. So what’s wrong with that? Let’s take a closer look into just how microwaves do their thing.

Microwaves causes the water molecules in your food to resonate (expand the intensity of), and eventually this water will turn into steam, which heats your food. This may seem quite effective, but have you ever noticed how your food is often heated unevenly? There are often extremely hot areas in microwaved food, while the rest may appear quite cool. Stab your fork into it, and a cloud of steam will hit your face. If it goes undetected, you could get a burnt tongue.

If you can’t avoid using microwaves, at least avoid putting food which are in plastic containers into the microwave, as the heat will cause them to release carcinogenic toxins–and you can be sure that anything that says “toxins” isn’t something you want to go into your body.

Thanks for reading, and remember:

Live, Laugh, Love; Eat Well!

~Better Eating~

Veggies or Fruits or Both?

The question is phrased above. Should we eat vegetable, or fruits, or both? The answer is both. However, more of your diet should be vegetables than fruits. Put aside the fact that fruits are good for you, and what do you have? A whole lot of sugar. Vegetables, on the other hand, have no sugar, and they are also good for you. So you tell me what you would think is better to have more of; pretty obvious choice, I hope. However, the fact that fruits are full of natural sugar can be a good thing. When you get a sugar craving, instead of grabbing a candy bar or a slice of cake, grab a fruit! Juicy, delicious, and sweet; it will satisfy all your cravings!

Better Eating

Long-term Effects: Do We Understand?

Just as the title says: do we understand the long-term effects of our eating habits? Often, we don’t. We say, “Oh, it’s okay if I don’t it right now; it won’t affect me in the long-run”, but it will! And sometimes, we misunderstand and so, “Oh, you mean the habit of eating badly will stick with me. Don’t worry, I’ll quit eating junk when I’m older.” But usually, we can’t resist the temptation, and we’ve all experienced at some point how hard it is to break a habit. But, again, that’s not the point! The point is, junk food that we eat when we’re young isn’t just going to pass through and be gone. Some of that stuff is either going to stick with us in some form, or it will damage an organ before leaving. We won’t see the effects when we’re young, but as we age, we would get more diseases than if we’d eaten healthier, nutritious food.

Don’t procrastinate the need to eat healthy food!

Better Eating

The Coconut Oil Myth

Coconut oil. Over the years, it’s been a very debated topic. Before it’s benefits were discovered, all people knew about was the fat in it. And what a lot of fat there is! Coconut oil is 92% saturated fat, 6% mono-unsaturated, and 2% poly-unsaturated. In most cases, saturated fat is extremely bad for you. Several organizations (including WHO, CDC, and FDA) warn people to limit their intake of saturated fat, as scientists have linked to cardiovascular diseases. AHA (American Heart Association) suggests that people have no more than 7% saturated fat in their diet. 92%….7%….big difference, you would say! If you were to listen to these organizations, you would avoid coconut oil, right? Well, that’s what everyone thought (that and the fact that they performed their tests on hydrogenated coconut oil; anything hydrogenated is bad!), until they found out all the benefits…and what happens to that nasty saturated fat.

Let’s start with the fat. Usually, saturated fat is stored in the body as…well, fat. Coconut oil is an exception, however, because the body doesn’t store it; it turns it into energy and it is used by the cells immediately. Scientists didn’t find this out until recently; very recently.

Some benefits: better-looking hair and skin, lower stress, weight loss, better digestion and metabolism, increased immunity, and relief from diseases such as diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and kidney problems. Several acids (lauric acid, caprylic acid, and capric acid) are responsible for this.

Don’t get caught up in the myth! You can hardly eat anything better than coconut oil!

~Better Eating~

Ups ‘n’ Downs

Everyone knows what a sugar rush is, right? You drink a cola, eat a lot of dessert–something with a lot of sugar. Soon, you start to feel hyper, and you feel like you’re “jumping off the walls”. This lasts for a while, and don’t get me wrong; it’s a pretty great feeling, unless you want to sleep. However, after a couple hours, maybe less, the effects start to wear off. This would be fine, only under the circumstances, you are now more tired/depressed/etc. than before. Is it worth getting a sugar rush, something that doesn’t last long, so that in the end we feel worse? We need to start thinking about long-term consequences.
In a way, it’s like medicine. Certain products will make you feel completely better, active, happy–for a while. Then, sometimes, you end up feeling worse than before. So it’s the same question: is it worth getting a little relief when we’ll just end up worse off in the end?
You might wonder how a sugar rush works. Well, the type of sugar they use in sodas, desserts, candy, and more is different from other types. Instead of being stored by the liver for later use, it’s changed into energy right away. So, in this case, the sugar isn’t used when the body needs it; it’s used right then, right now, whether you really need the extra energy or not. All that energy flowing into your cells gets used up–what happens next? You got it: crash. Suddenly, all the sugar/energy is gone!
So, I’m not saying don’t eat sugar. That would be crazy; sugar’s in everything! (Though check out the section on sugar in my previous article: Not Such A Big Deal) But it is better to avoid the foods that are overflowing with sugar. If you ask me, it’s just not worth all the “ups and downs”.

~Better Eating~